In appreciation of George (business-man-dad) Banks
Jane and Michael composed a detailed invitation calling in their dream playmate
(those melodic hooligans even put it to music)
we won't hide your spectacles so you cant see, put toads in your bed... or pepper in your tea.
Hurry nanny, many thanks- Sincerely...
George (Business-man-dad) Banks tears up the letter and tosses it in the fireplace.
Despite and because of the hollernings, the no's, and bits and pieces of heart drenched paper scattered in all directions...
Mary Poppins arrives on time.
Yes, George! What a wizard!
How else would could we have felt the wind change?
How else would we learn how desire and space turn into time inside of an ordinary fireplace?
How else could we come to see that chalk drawings are two dimensional only when you're looking down on them from above
How else could we know the libration of the business-man-dad?
Thank you George Banks , for being (in addition to so many other things) the space for Mary Poppins to school your ass
Coming Soon...
Part II: In appreciation of the coming out story of Mary Poppins
how the holy spirit is a gayblade, the underground is always pointing beyond the mundane reel
and flying is for anybody who wants to
M. Poppins and Miss Frizzle of Magic School Bus fame