Remembering the Future, body memory palaces
Commit your future to memory
make, in your body, a living storehouse of your desire, in parts.
Appoint the rooms with the paint that colors your dreamworld
Tempt the richness of the conversation between space and time and things
ask for the next dance with the seamstress of imagination into materialization
and visit as often as you like
close the gap between where you are and where you'd like to go with your essence
For your true life tempts you to know no order of difficulty in the miraculous
make, in your body, a living storehouse of your desire, in parts.
Your body waits
like the earth, like a dormant volcano
till you poke it, breathe it, animate it, engage it-
give it a purpose through your love making.
And because she sees you've put your chips in to play-
she sets about her task of coming to life for you
only because you are a verb
You are the the only thing he can't be
without her