A love note to me and my friends, the humans:
There is so much support here, so much love here, so much, muchness here. Knowing this is a choice, until it's not. Knowing love to be unconditional, any view is transformed on my decision, from a vision of separation and aloneness to beauty, purposeful struggle, honesty, agency and clarity in service to whatever arises, and beyond... When we act and rise up then, we act and rise up from a ground of unconditional love in a rising- sun world. "The ship is sinking, and still we dance." We rise as good, becoming greater good. We choose to know this no matter how smoky, the smoke is. or how many 'me too's' are breaking our heart. Or how many families (mine included) are navigating immigration uncertainty.
This choosing, this waking up, is a process of deconstruction, but, if it lands on existential dread it doesn't have to stay there. It doesn't have to stay at a place of 'no-truth' or righteous 'my truth' or a-perspectival (it's all equally true) madness. If it feels like that... keep going.
This choosing, this waking up, is equal parts enlightening and laden with the joy of personal responsibility.
In it, 'personal responsibility' is seen not to be personal at all. Our secrets, when they are shared with our heart, show us where we are connected. #meetoo
Telling the truth isn't something to administer to others. We do this, because human hurts. We do this, because "There must be a better way" calls; and we want to help. We also do this, because we want you to stop suffering so "I" can be happy... Telling the truth is an offering for ourselves. What is sharable in that is naturally shared, and it appears to grow the more we nurture it in ourselves. The need to manipulate or force others into an 'all-inclusive' view- will not stand in this clarity.
Tending fearlessly to the broken heart, is for the brave and the true. Where two or more are gathered, here I am. In one honest moment- in a desire to know the Truth- It is revealed in and as every tear, tear and triumph of the will of the One. There is no weakness in feeling and noticing that in a moment of full feeling, there is permission for full healing, and spontaneous release of the one who had been identified with 'what had happened was'. There is no weakness in taking a stand, paying our bills, going to school to support change, making money doing what you love, making money not doing what you love, rallying to bring awareness to the oppression and tyranny that has marked human experience for as long has forever has been.
In this personal/not-personal, unconditional love, any 'thing' that was hanging around as seemingly endless pattern, or an unbreakable cycle suddenly, or gradually (so as not to demolish our world all at once) falls off. we're left with the gratitude that it was and a wonderland of open possibility for what will be, Now. Here, there is no demand for the circumstances to be other than what they are, but there is a full engagement with feeling, agency, and responsibility in the vision of the aliveness- for as long as that lasts. The moment is an ever-generous expanse and super sloppy slip and slide in the face of what's called for in the moment.
Love is turn by turn navigation in service to all majesty and righteousness.
Always forward, never straight- Yaas
#emptiness #form #desire #eros #enlightenmentonalllevels #metoo