Catalog for the Citizens of the New Earth
Let's face it... Life on planet Earth is changing. The realization of latent superpowers flying, telepathy, invisibility, bi-location... is just the beginning. The ever-deepening experience of the absolute power of free will/choice, the joyful revelation of the interconnectedness of all appearances arising, and yet never touching the sweet, empty hum of the beyond, are sending you reeling into the New Earth. You might think you need some things on your way. We aim to please. So here's a catalog for your basic 'needs'.
Send a Self-adressed envelope to your own address with the items you wish to order. Happy Shopping.
Jeanius: A 'form-fitting' line of clothing for the invisible man
Fun: What happens when Interpretation stops...
A new game from Stilton Radley
The Absolute: Putting the 'Fun' back in erectile disFUNction since before there was time.