Recipies for Change
In October 2016 I was invited into deep meditation and discussion circle with a small, intimate group of leading climatologists, ocean physicists Buddhists, experts in the field of leadership development, a gourmet chef/breastfeeding mom, Harvard divinity school docs, climate lawyers, a graphic designer/comedian, and ME.
Side note/back story A: I had never met any of these folxs before; though an email and a change in plans, I found myself driving a rental car to Taos to meet with them. B. The teachings of living by following the 'trail of breadcrumbs' are about about living as worthiness and value.
Meow Good Wolf
Before I arrived in Taos, I spent the evening at Meow Wolf in Sante Fe. Which is nothing it it isn't the most amazing collection of portals that take you the journeyman into expertly crafted worlds.
So aptly named, "The House of Eternal Return"
Here we have a handful of artists who got some greatfunding and so turned dreams into a meaningful, shareable realities.
So, it would seem, my journey into the portal of earth destruction began through
Portal of infinite creation.
🐱 🐺 🐱 🐺 🐱 🐺 🐱 🐺
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
The reports are, bois and gals, we're facing unprecedented change/disaster on all levels at a very high probability all over this globe. And without needing to turn it around real fast, to get to the other side, or be overcome with an idea of futility or existential dread, we're being invited into a new level of leadership. One that can hold paradoxes with profound love and clarity.
That said, encoded in that collapse, is as much probability (or more or less) for enlightenment on the same levels that are collapsing.
What I know from being the traveling magician artist/ wannabe scientist, I am, is that no matter who the group is or the individuals are, the theme is the same; It is imperative that everyone step more fully into their dharma, their heart, their potency. Who you really are sets the world free.
We're checking out a new tone of commitment. It's one seasoned by the power of what we are knowing as our innermost truth. And thereby effortlessly empowering and encouraging each other. Translation: No more hiding your magic wand hands and math notes folks! (humans and the elements) are mobilizing around so much right now- and we must learn to welcome in the Yin, the feminine, the fierce, the receptive, more and more. It's our task to know the field of being as well as we know the field of doing.
We have a choice to allow any fear or doubts around wielding our power with benevolent discernment, to dissolve.
How? By living in the open heart and allowing action to arise from there.
Its so important to rest close to your heart, to consciously feel and love anything that appears to be an obstacle to you living as freedom.
Through conscious loving of that refining fire, the course corrections will automatically take place. These course corrections are massive gifts; your tools will be made sharp, and your body will be made moveable, malleable.
Now For Some Top of the News Suggestions for "What To Do in These Times"
1. Love yourself
2. It's time to train your mind and your body. I recommend yoga, tai chi and/or a martial form that emphasizes responding instead of reacting. (Like enshin or aikido) Surely there are many, many more systems; I'm naming where I'm resonating and where I feel there's a great deal of accessibility. At least in Denver...
most important though is just to get yerself located in the body.
3. Its critically important to keep connecting from the heart with your networks and people outside of your immediate networks to exchange fresh perspective. The energies are such right now that it's generally easier to find avenues to do as such.
4. Be more and more aware of the the things that are easy and lean in there. Let the things that are easy, be easy. This will provide a space for the nervous system to rest, and also make it easier to know what to do in situations that range from not as as easy to seemingly impossible.
5. And last, but certainly not least, I highly recommend meditating on water...
in my experience, water is speaking very clearly about its ability to help us. We're also being clued into this by how we're showing up to serve and protect water. Team elements and humans- lets gooo!
Drink deep and share water brothers.
We're only just beginning. You are perfect. I love you 💦❤️