Repeat After Me: I Am Free
Heavy times call for heavy healing.
Ritual, no matter how small, is something you can do now to
1. address and acknowledge what's happening in your experience or in the experience of seeming 'others' and
2. discover the appropriate medicine for you to heal. A ritual could be STOPPING completely whatever you're doing and taking three conscious breaths, asking for help, offering your help, sharing touch.
It can be and MUST BE practicing saying I love you -to your own heart, and not stopping because it feels uncomfortable. It will likely feel uncomfortable, as we're not accustomed to seeing our true face. The mask is being demolished, your love will lubricate the take- down.
Ritual can be relaxing into your body for a few seconds, making dinner for someone, giving someone a dollar if they ask for it.
The heart will open as it feels the safety of YOU. This is a holistic way to discover how you will lead.
What we do or don't do in response to what we experience exposes what we believe.
Seeing our beliefs clearly gives us an opportunity to make a choice. Where even a moment before we might not have had one.
Self care, and care for other parts of ourself (other beings) isn't optional or a luxury
Now. It's 💯 percent necessary and it's my responsibility 💯 of the time.
Please join me in pledging your heart to 💯 percent responsibly. Don't wait for someone else, because somebody else is not coming... they're already here.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Curtains up, rehearsals over- the time Is Now... and you're fully dressed in your love and power, or acknowledgment that you need your love and power.
This how it must be for us to go on. This is the end of slavery, of injustice, of death.
I love me so much. love you. I love our home planet. She's teaching me how to love her through choice, humility, and action. #thisisbiggerthanme #wehavemagicwandhands #evictfearreclaimmylife #5words #theleadingedge