disrupting digital dominance


Skeleton with a nametag

Bored with what we say it meanS, Or Bothered by the investigation and stillness it takes to ask and listen... 

we called freedom a cage

And cage a freedom 

, because? 

Word games? We’re puzzle smiths, madmen, control freaks, innocent dummies?

, because?

Laughing got dull?

“Jesus never laughed” - Who said that? 

Who wrote holy texts, holy quotes if it wasn’t some normal madman, in some time signature.

one guy around him (Jesus) , said of knowing Him in himself (and also what he felt like while walking around with Him,Jesus)   “if every tongue were still the noise would still continue... the rocks and stones themselves will start to sing”

That gets at it. 

A language before language that we all are 

is never not speaking clear

Is called a cult

Le Silence Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer (1865 - 1953)

Le Silence Lucien Lévy-Dhurmer (1865 - 1953)

Is something to run from 

Is something not to trust 

Is a something! That's for sure, dammit

Kill the beast! Throw rocks at it, kill the void before it kills you! 

Hypnosis and healing are the same hat to someone 

The same hat to ask someone else to wear (but usually not outright) mostly so we could see if we liked it for ourselves 

Or if it were better suited for an enemy.

And no one knew anything for sure 

Except for what they couldn't say 

But they weren’t sure that was trustworthy enough 

To put on a resume. 

And friends came to join us in our unspeakableness 

And they were called saints or charlatanis, or bus drivers,  respectively 

They were burned alive, or they left our life, they died of natural causes 

No one dug up their nametag 

No one buried them with it 

Their mother re-enacted the story of them 

Every time she thought. 

And when she didn’t think,  in the dark, sleeping... she knew his name wasn't any she gave him 

But they enjoyed singing his name, she remembered 

And girls who loved him in the moment 

Screamed it in ecstacy, sometimes 

And other times they cursed it. 

If he, who's name was cursable and also damnable 

By the flap of tongues, resonating 

Was to make sense of himself in this way, he'd still be 

Right where he is. 


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