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It probably takes a lot more than 21 days to change a habit

This research shows it likely takes a lot more than 21 days to change a habit

"On average, it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic — 66 days to be exact. And how long it takes a new habit to form can vary widely depending on the behavior, the person, and the circumstance-"

-James Clear's Habit's Academy (here's a link to the study)

Here’s 3 thoughts on how this could impact you

1. You get a permission slip to stop binging on the '21 days hype' and just be yourself.  In a swipe left for everything world, we get impatient with what takes longer than that. And mostly anything worth doing takes much longer than that. But, If you’re partial to, motivated by or otherwise supported by the 21 days thing- you can keep it! There is no science like experience! This is a reminder that you can let time work for you. If you choose to master time, time will support you in learning things in the right ways for you.

2. You get to shift from a product- driven model for success. For example, I’m working on this so that I can get that. I’m writing this post so that people will come to work with me. *subtext- and then everyone will finally love me, and i can be free to go to London and look at Big Ben or heal the world like i was destined to do as a 112th density human/ alien hybrid ,or whatever.  To a process oriented framework, I am writing this! The purpose is clear. the purpose is whatever it is I am doing. And maybe more specifically, it’s to learn while doing. Or be with the meaning that is here.
When you’re not pushed or punished by time in your mind, you know you have all the time in the world. Time is a field to be with what arises, savoring the experience, and focusing. This is just so relaxing. Experience and meaning are together.

Cause and Effect and Just. Be. Cause.

3. Your work is about embodiment, not rules. It’s not about getting away from where you seem to be now to where you think you want to be. It’s not cutting off parts of yourself to fit into broken systems. It’s not about defending your positions that keep you separate and struggling. And it’s likewise not about allowing yourself to slide into zombie patterns of avoidance or supposed transcendence.

dedication wakes you up to where you are lazy, and reveals the space to make a form that functions for you, with you and as you.

The Paradox of Behavior Change (and the Myth of Overnight Success)

James Clear more:

between lazy and burnout there is a field…

Seraphim Fire Photography

I’ll meet you there.

Being in relationship with yourself now is the only starting place worth working for.

Go Beyond The Resolution in 2019- Coaching enrollment open 

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