Techno Inter Generational
It seems to me that, in general, we have a much more overtly inter-generational experience of life than we had when, say I was growing up. Before that, perhaps it was a more familiar inter-generational, or religious inter-generational. But now we’re techno inter-generational and trans and inter family inter-generational. It’s pretty far out.
Feeling into this brings images of previous iterations of this to mind. Like, say in schoolhouses in the 1800’s, where children were mixed in from youngin' to older’n. It also keys me into a thought that this probably produces insane results in the collective. More historically fixed ideas of ‘when I am this old i do this, experience in a techno inter-generational world bend and trend in new ways. Between what our histories, bodies and mythologies know about natural cycles in life, what our beliefs and norms communicate, and what we know/ are learning about say, quantum mechanics, the felt sense of 'beingness' and a conscious evolution of consciousness (whoa) -
We’re like a great-grandma with a new lease on life when we’re 17. We’re like a 25 year old capable of addressing deep, familial trauma that maybe didn’t even present until 10 years past that. We’re also millennials who suffer because ‘they should be’ where somebody, 20 years their senior, is in business, experience, relationships. All the while while the planet, america, money, sex and power are getting a deeper facelift than any microderm, stem cell, botoxxual anything on the market.
sara cloud
We’re also parents and kids who know who friends of their friends all over the world, because of what they post on the interwebs. And even if it’s not ‘your experience’ it’s the experience of so many at the same time, it is your experience. We know what cousins we used to see once a year are having for dinner every night. We know who loves who we love, and what they love about them because of how they click, write, meme, gif.
It’s good to pause to notice the... Whoa of all this. One might even say, it's totally wacky. And as sure as we were kids packed in one schoolhouse we are surely going to turn into something slightly different, but the same with our next iteration.
It’s like I (A 105 year old Jewish grandfather) always say, “Don’t hate, iterate”